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PAD Files

PAD stands for Portable Application Description. It help software authors to provide online sources with information about their products and using a standard data .xml format that will allow webmasters and program librarians to automate program listings.

The following is a list of the PAD files:

PAD File - All CPU Meter

PAD File - Battery Meter

PAD File - Control System

PAD File - Currency Meter

PAD File - Digital Clock

PAD File - Drives Meter

PAD File - Earthquakes Meter

PAD File - GPU Meter

PAD File - Network Meter

PAD File - Stock Meter

PAD File - Weather Meter

Gadgets Gallery

All CPU Meter
Network Meter
Stock Meter
Currency Meter
Weather Meter
GPU Meter
Drives Meter
Battery Meter
Digital Clock
Amazon Search
Earthquakes Meter
Control System
World Clock
Fix 64 bit sidebar

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