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What is a computer software virus?

Computer virus is actually a computer software that will replicate by itself, there are actually very small of software applications that are created to spread from a single computer to another computer and to interfere with the computer system.

What can computer viruses can do?
Every computer with using the Internet may contact with the computer viruses. It might corrupt or even delete files on your hard disk or even use your email software to spread out by itself to other computer systems. Computer viruses are usually spread out through the attachments in e-mail or even instant messaging messages like MSN or Skype. That is the reason it is important that you never ever open up e-mail attachments unless you're sure who it is.
Computer viruses may be disguised as attachments of sexy girl pictures, greeting cards, music or videos.
Computer viruses also can spread out through the download files on the website.They may be hidden in illicit software or even programs you might want to download.
To help prevent the computer viruses, it is important that you ensure that your laptop or computer with the latest Windows update and antivirus security software, run your computer system as a normal user (not as administrator). When a virus is on your computer system, use antivirus software to removing it and also preventing further infection.

How can I know when my computer system has been infected with the virus?
After you open an e-mail attachment or program with infected with the virus on your computer system, you may not know that you have released a virus until you discover something actually not quite proper.
Here are the most common signs of infected virus on your computer system:
Your computer system runs more slowly compared to normal.
Your computer system stops responding or maybe hangs frequently.
Your computer system crashes and also restart every few minutes.
Your computer system restarts by itself and after that fails to run normally.
Programs on your computer system don't function properly.
Disk drives are inaccessible or unavailable.
You notice your printed can't print out properly.
You notice unusual error messages.

How can my computer avoid infection with computer viruses?
There is no one can guarantee the security of your computer system, however there are a lot you can try to help reduced the chances that you will that your computer infection with a virus.
It's actual important to keep the antivirus security software current with the latest updates that will help ensure that the software identify and also remove the latest threats.
You can also improve your computer system security and also reduce the chance of infection by using a the firewall and trying to keep your computer system up to date.

Rating: 4.6/5 (175 votes )

Date: 11-Nov-2012

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